Welcome to R Club for Public Health and Social Work’s Website!

We are Catalina Canizares and Micaela Lembo, PhD students at the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work, Florida International University.

Our journey in social work and Epidemiology has been significantly enriched by our use of R, a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization. Recognizing the immense value that R brings to research, we are excited to share our knowledge with our colleagues.

With this goal in mind, we have initiated the R Club for Public Health and Social Work aimed at Graduate Students and interested Faculty members who aspire to learn and apply R in their research projects.

Through this club, we intend to build a community of R users within our college, fostering a collaborative environment where we can enhance our abilities, share insights, and contribute to each other’s research projects.

If you are interested in joining us, please fill in this short form.

Or email us at: rclubstempel@gmail.com